(A.) (C.) (HaskellKarl) (G.) (KarstenA.) (R.) (Palmer) returned 24 hits

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Author: Claudius Ptolemy (c.85-c.165)
Map projections of a spherical earth and use of latitude and longitude to characterize position (first display of longitude)
Category: Cartography
Author: Regnier Gemma-Frisius (1508-1555)
Description of how to determine mapping locations by triangulation, from similar triangles, and with use of angles w.r.t meridians
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)
Improvements in instruments for accurately measuring positions of stars and planets, providing the most accurate catalog on which later discoveries (e.g., Kepler's laws) would be based
Category: Technology
Author: William Petty (1623-1687)
Use of statistics for international comparisons, e.g., London vs. Rome and London vs. Paris, compared in people, housing, hospitals, etc.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Thomas Bayes (1702-1761)
Graph of the beta density
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)
Historical timeline (life spans of 2,000 famous people, 1200 B.C. to 1750 A.D.), quantitative comparison by means of bars
Category: Cartography
Author: Charles de Fourcroy (1766-c.1810)
Use of geometric, proportional figures (squares) to compare demographic quantities by superposition, an early "tableau graphique''
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Pierre-François Verhulst (1804-1849)
Development of the logistic curve, $ y = k / (1 + C e^{rt})$, to describe the growth of human populations
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903)
Graphical methods applied to explain fundamental relations in thermodynamics; this includes diagrams of entropy vs. temperature (where work or heat is proportional to area), and the first use of trilinear coordinates (graphs of (x,y,z) where x+y+z=constant)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Émile Cheysson (1836-1910)
First anamorphic maps, using a deformation of spatial size to show a quantitative variable (e.g., the decrease in time to travel from Paris to various places in France over 200 years)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890-1962)
Beginnings of the development of modern statistical theory (sampling distributions (1915), randomization, likelihood (1921), small sample theory, exact distributions, analysis of variance (1925), etc.)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Karl G. Karsten & A. R. Palmer & A. C. Haskell
Numerous textbooks on graphics, describing principles of graphical presentation of numerical information (published at a rate of about two each year), e.g.,
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Walter C. Eells
Experimental test of statistical graphical forms (pie vs. subdivided bar charts)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: R. von Huhn & J. N. Washburne & F. E. Croxton
Spate of articles on experimental tests of statistical graphical forms
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: R. von Huhn & J. N. Washburne & F. E. Croxton
Spate of articles on experimental tests of statistical graphical forms
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: D. H. Leavens & F. C. Martin
"Log Square'' paper ($log y, log x$, for relations which are linear in log scales)
Category: Technology
Author: Henry C. Beck (1902-1974)
Re-design of the routes of the London underground rail system to favor usability
Category: Cartography
Authors: R. Pickett & B. W. White
Triangular glyphs to represent simultaneously four variables, using sides and orientation
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Herman P. Friedman (c. 1930-2010) & R. M. Goldwyn (1936-1994) & J. H. Siegel
Irregular polygon ("star plot'') to represent multivariate data (with vertices at equally spaced intervals, distance from center proportional to the value of a variable) [but see Georg von Mayr in 1877 cite[S. 78]{vonMayr:1877} for first use]
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg (1926-2010)
Experimental tests of statistical graphics vs tables, findings favoring latter
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Richard A. Becker (1887-1955) & John M. Chambers
S, a language and environment for statistical computation and graphics. S (later sold as a commercial package, S-Plus; more recently, a public-domain implementation, R is widely available), would become a lingua franca for statistical computation and graphics
Category: Technology
Author: George W. Furnas
Fisheye view: an idea to provide focus and greater detail in areas of interest of a large amount of information, while retaining the surrounding context in much less detail
Category: Other
Authors: Andreas Buja (1951-) & Deborah Swayne (1940-2006) & Di Cook (1960-) & Forrest Young (1940-2006)
A spate of development and public distribution of highly interactive systems for data analysis and visualization, e.g., XGobi, ViSta
Category: Technology
Author: Hadley Wickham (1979-)
An influential, open source implementation of the Grammar of Graphics from Wilkinson (1999) in R, together with other computational tools to make it easier to produce beautiful statistical diagrams
Category: Statistics & Graphics