((Wilhelm)) ((Lexis)) returned 6 hits

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Author: Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635)
The first known adding machine, a mechanical calculator called the "Calculating Clock.'' It could add and subtract up to six-digit numbers, based on the movement of six dented wheels geared through a "mutilated" wheel which with every full turn allowed the wheel located at the right to rotate 1/10th of a full turn
Category: Technology
Author: August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome (1753-1833)
Statistical map of production in Europe, possibly the first economic and thematic map (shows geographic distribution of 56 commodities produced in Europe)
Category: Cartography
Author: August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome (1753-1833)
Superimposed squares to compare areas (of European states)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Heinrich Wilhelm Brandes (1777–1834)
The first weather map was invented by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Brandes in 1816, based on data collected over several decades.
Category: Cartography
Author: Wilhelm Lexis (1837-1914)
Lexis diagram, showing relations among age, calendar time, and life spans of individuals simultaneously (but the paternity of this diagram is in dispute cite{Vandeschrick:2001})
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Niels Keiding (1944-)
Lexis pencil: display of multivariate data in the context of life-history
Category: Statistics & Graphics