((Louis)) ((Leon)) ((Thurstone)) returned 5 hits

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Authors: Louis Ézéchiel Pouchet (1748-1809)
Multi-number graphical calculation (proto-nomogram: contours applied to multiplication table, later rectified by Lalanne cite{Lalanne:1846})
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre (1787-1851)
Invention of the first practical photographic process, using coated plates of metal and glass
Category: Technology
Author: Leon Montigny (1847-1899)
Election map of Paris, showing the breakdown of votes by parties
Category: Cartography
Authors: Louis-Léger Vauthier (1815-1881)
Population contour map (population density shown by contours), the first statistical use of a contour map
Category: Cartography
Authors: Auguste Lumière (1862-1954) & Louis Lumière (1864-1948)
First movie, with the cinématographe, using the principle of intermittent movement of film (16 fps), but producing smooth projection (first public film screening on December 28, 1895 at the Cafe Grand)
Category: Technology