((Jacob)) ((BernoulliGregorio)) ((Fontana)) returned 3 hits

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Author: Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia (1499-1557)
Development of a method to fix position and survey land using compass-bearing and distance. (Tartaglia is better known for discovering a method to solve cubic equations)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Jacob Cristoph Le Blon (1667-1741)
Invention of three-color printing
Category: Technology
Authors: Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705) & Gregorio Fontana (1735-1803)
Development of the use of polar coordinates for the representation of functions. Newton's Method of Fluxions was written about 1671, but not published until 1736. Jacob Bernoulli published a derivation of the idea in 1691 attributes the development of polar coordinates to Fontana, with no date.
Category: Statistics & Graphics