Table 1: Hair-color eye-color data
Hair Color Eye Color BLACK BROWN RED BLOND | Total | Brown 68 119 26 7 | 220 Blue 20 84 17 94 | 215 Hazel 15 54 14 10 | 93 Green 5 29 14 16 | 64 --------------------------------------------+------ Total 108 286 71 127 | 592
For any two-way table, the expected frequencies under independence can be represented by rectangles whose widths are proportional to the total frequency in each column, f sub +j , and whose heights are proportional to the total frequency in each row, f sub i+ ; the area of each rectangle is then proportional to e sub ij . Figure 7 shows the expected frequencies for the hair and eye color data.
Figure 7: Expected frequencies under
Riedwyl and Schüpbach (1983, 1994) proposed a sieve diagram (later called a parquet diagram ) based on this principle. In this display the area of each rectangle is proportional to expected frequency and observed frequency is shown by the number of squares in each rectangle. Hence, the difference between observed and expected frequency appears as the density of shading, using color to indicate whether the deviation from independence is positive or negative. (In monochrome versions, positive deviations are shown by solid lines, negative by broken lines.) The sieve diagram for hair color and eye color is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Sieve diagram for hair-eye data.
Figure 9 shows data on vision acuity in a large sample of women (n=7477). The diagonal cells show the obvious: people tend to have the same visual acuity in both eyes, and there is strong lack of indepence. The off diagonal cells show a more subtle pattern which suggests symmetry, and a diagonals model.
Figure 10 shows the frequencies with which draft-age men with birthdays in various months were assigned priority values for induction into the US Army in the 1972 draft lottery. The assignment was supposed to be random, but the figure shows a greater tendency for those born in the latter months of the year to be assigned smaller priority values.
Figure 9: Vision classification data for
7477 women
Figure 10: Data from the US Draft Lottery
For a two-way contingency table, the signed contribution to Pearson chi² for cell i, %j is
d sub ij = < f sub ij - e sub ij > over < sqrt < e sub ij > > = roman ' std. residual' fwd 300 chi² = Sigma Sigma sub ij %% ( d sub ij ) sup 2In the association plot , each cell is shown by a rectangle:
sqrt e sub ij +---------------------+ | | | area = f_ij - e_ij | | | d sub ij |= {f sub ij - e sub ij} over {sqrt e sub ij} | | +---------------------+The rectangles for each row in the table are positioned relative to a baseline representing independence ( d sub ij = 0 ) shown by a dotted line. Cells with observed > expected frequency rise above the line (and are colored black); cells that contain less than the expected frequency fall below it (and are shaded red).
Sex is fun for me and my partner (a) Never or occasionally, (b) fairly often, (c) very often, (d) almost always.
|-------- Wife's Rating -------| Husband's Never Fairly Very Almost Rating fun often Often always SUM Never fun 7 7 2 3 19 Fairly often 2 8 3 7 20 Very often 1 5 4 9 19 Almost always 2 8 9 14 33 SUM 12 28 18 33 91Unweighted kappa gives the following results
Observed and Expected Agreement (under independence) Observed agreement 0.3626 Expected agreement 0.2680 Cohen's Kappa (Std. Error) 0.1293 (0.1343)Two commonly-used pattern of weights are those based on integer spacing of the category scale and Fleiss-Cohen weights .
Integer Weights Fleiss-Cohen Weights 1 2/3 1/3 0 1 8/9 5/9 0 2/3 1 2/3 1/3 8/9 1 8/9 5/9 1/3 2/3 1 2/3 5/9 8/9 1 8/9 0 1/3 2/3 1 0 5/9 8/9 1These weights give a somewhat higher assessment of agreement (perhaps too high).
Obs Exp Std Lower Upper Agree Agree Kappa Error 95% 95% Unweighted 0.363 0.268 0.1293 0.134 -0.1339 0.3926 Integer Weights 0.635 0.560 0.1701 0.065 0.0423 0.2978 Fleiss-Cohen Wts 0.814 0.722 0.3320 0.125 0.0861 0.5780
title 'Kappa for Agreement'; data fun; label husband = 'Husband rating' wife = 'Wife Rating'; do husband = 1 to 4; do wife = 1 to 4; input count @@; output; end; end; cards; 7 7 2 3 2 8 3 7 1 5 4 9 2 8 9 14 ; proc freq; weight count; tables husband * wife / noprint agree; run;This produces the following output:
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Kappa for Agreement | | STATISTICS FOR TABLE OF HUSBAND BY WIFE | | | | Test of Symmetry | | ---------------- | | Statistic = 3.878 DF = 6 Prob = 0.693 | | | | Kappa Coefficients | | Statistic Value ASE 95% Confidence Bounds | | ------------------------------------------------------ | | Simple Kappa 0.129 0.069 -0.005 0.264 | | Weighted Kappa 0.237 0.078 0.084 0.391 | | | | Sample Size = 91 | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
The agreement chart is constructed as an n x n square, where n is the total sample size. Black squares, each of size n sub ii x n sub ii , show observed agreement. These are positioned within larger rectangles, each of size n sub i+ x n sub +i . The large rectangle shows the maximum possible agreement, given the marginal totals. Thus, a visual impression of the strength of agreement is
Figure 12: Agreement chart for husbands
and wives sexual fun. The B sub N measure is the ratio of
the areas of the dark squares to their enclosing rectangles, counting
only exact agreement. B sub N = 0.146 for these data.
left "" matrix < ccol < ' ' above ' ' above n sub < i,i-b > above ' ' above ' ' > ccol < ' ' above ' ' above ... above ' ' above ' ' > ccol < n sub < i-b,i > above : above n sub ii above : above n sub < i+b,i > > ccol < ' ' above ' ' above ... above ' ' above ' ' > ccol < ' ' above ' ' above n sub < i,i+b > above ' ' above ' ' > > right "" fwd 350 left "" matrix < ccol < ' ' above ' ' above w sub 2 above ' ' above ' ' > ccol < ' ' above ' ' above w sub 1 above ' ' above ' ' > ccol < w sub 2 above w sub 1 above 1 above w sub 1 above w sub 2 > ccol < ' ' above ' ' above w sub 1 above ' ' above ' ' > ccol < ' ' above ' ' above w sub 2 above ' ' above ' ' > > right ""This is incorporated in the agreement chart by successively lighter shaded rectangles whose size is proportional to the sum of the cell frequencies, denoted A sub bi , shown schematically above. A sub 1i allows 1-step disagreements, A sub 2i includes 2-step disagreements, etc. From this, one can define a weighted measure of agreement, analogous to weighted kappa .
B sub N sup w = < roman 'weighted sum of areas of agreement' > over < roman 'area of rectangles' > = size +3 1 - < Sigma from i to k % [ n sub i+ n sub +i - n sub ii sup 2 - Sigma from b=1 to q % w sub b A sub bi ] > over < Sigma from i to k % n sub i+ % n sub +i >where w sub b is the weight for A sub bi , the shaded area b steps away from the main diagonal, and q is the furthest level of partial disagreement to be considered.
Figure 13: Weighted agreement chart.. The
B sub N sup w measure is the ratio of the areas of the dark
squares to their enclosing rectangles, weighting cells one step
removed from exact agreement with w sub 1 = 8 div 9 = .889
. B sub N sup w = 0.628 for these data.
New Orleans |------- Winnipeg Neurologist ------| Neurologist Certain Probable Possible Doubtful SUM Certain MS 5 3 0 0 8 Probable MS 3 11 4 0 18 Possible MS 2 13 3 4 22 Doubtful MS 1 2 4 14 21 SUM 11 29 11 18 69
title "Classification of Multiple Sclerosis: Marginal Homogeneity"; proc format; value diagnos 1='Certain ' 2='Probable' 3='Possible' 4='Doubtful'; data ms; format win_diag no_diag diagnos.; do win_diag = 1 to 4; do no_diag = 1 to 4; input count @@; if count=0 then count=1e-10; output; end; end; cards; 5 3 0 0 3 11 4 0 2 13 3 4 1 2 4 14 ;In this analysis the diagnostic categories for the two neurologists are repeated measures, since each patient is rated twice. To test whether the marginal frequencies of ratings is the same we specify response marginals (The oneway option displays the marginal frequencies, not shown here.)
title "Classification of Multiple Sclerosis: Marginal Homogeneity"; proc catmod data=ms; weight count; response marginals; model win_diag * no_diag = _response_ / oneway; repeated neuro 2 / _response_= neuro;The test of marginal homogeneity is the test of NEURO in this model:
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | ANALYSIS-OF-VARIANCE TABLE | | | | Source DF Chi-Square Prob | | -------------------------------------------------- | | INTERCEPT 3 222.62 0.0000 | | NEURO 3 10.54 0.0145 | | | | RESIDUAL 0 . . | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
Because the diagnostic categories are ordered, we can actually obtain a more powerful test by assigning scores to the diagnostic category and testing if the mean scores are the same for both neurologists. To do this, we specify response means.
title2 'Testing means'; proc catmod data=ms order=data; weight count; response means; model win_diag * no_diag = _response_; repeated neuro 2 / _response_= neuro;
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | ANALYSIS-OF-VARIANCE TABLE | | | | Source DF Chi-Square Prob | | -------------------------------------------------- | | INTERCEPT 1 570.61 0.0000 | | NEURO 1 7.97 0.0048 | | | | RESIDUAL 0 . . | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
Figure 15 shows aggregate data on applicants to graduate school at Berkeley for the six largest departments in 1973 classified by admission and gender. At issue is whether the data show evidence of sex bias in admission practices (Bickel et al., 1975). The figure shows the cell frequencies numerically, but margins for both sex and admission are equated in the display. For these data the sample odds ratio, Odds (Admit|Male) / (Admit|Female) is 1.84 indicating that males are almost twice as likely in this sample to be admitted. The four-fold display shows this imbalance clearly.
Figure 15: Four-fold display for Berkeley
admissions. The area of each shaded quadrant shows the frequency,
standardized to equate the margins for sex and admission. Circular
arcs show the limits of a 99% confidence interval for the odds ratio.
The 99% confidence intervals in Figure 15 do not overlap, indicating a significant association between sex and admission. The width of the confidence rings give a visual indication of the precision of the data.
The admissions data shown in Figure 15 were obtained from six departments, so to determine the source of the apparent sex bias in favor of males, we make a new plot, Figure 16, stratified by department.
Surprisingly, Figure 16 shows that, for five of the six departments, the odds of admission is approximately the same for both men and women applicants. Department A appears to differs from the others, with women approximately 2.86 ( = ' ' ( 313/19 ) / (512/89) ) times as likely to gain admission. This appearance is confirmed by the confidence rings, which in Figure 16 are joint 99% intervals for theta sub c , ' ' % c = 1, ... , k .
Figure 16: Fourfold display of Berkeley
admissions, by department. In each panel the confidence rings for
adjacent quadrants overlap if the odds ratio for admission and sex
does not differ significantly from 1. The data in each panel have
been standardized as in Figure 15.
(This result, which contradicts the display for the aggregate data in Figure 15, is a classic example of Simpson's paradox. The resolution of this contradiction can be found in the large differences in admission rates among departments as we shall see later.)