Output from msdiag-agree.R

Kappa(MSPatients[, , 1])
##             value     ASE     z
## Unweighted 0.2079 0.05630 3.693
## Weighted   0.3797 0.09876 3.845
Kappa(MSPatients[, , 2])
##             value     ASE     z
## Unweighted 0.2965 0.08108 3.657
## Weighted   0.4773 0.15094 3.162
confint(Kappa(MSPatients[, , 1]))
## Kappa            lwr    upr
##   Unweighted 0.09759 0.3183
##   Weighted   0.18615 0.5733
confint(Kappa(MSPatients[, , 2]))
## Kappa           lwr    upr
##   Unweighted 0.1376 0.4554
##   Weighted   0.1814 0.7731
agreementplot(t(MSPatients[, , 1]), main = "Winnipeg Patients")
agreementplot(t(MSPatients[, , 2]), main = "New Orleans Patients")

Generated with R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) using the R package knitr (version 0.8.4) on Wed Sep 26 09:01:19 2012.