((Abraham)) ((de)) ((Moivre)) returned 24 hits

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Author: Abraham Cresques (1325-1387)
Catalan Atlas, an exquisitely beautiful visual cosmography, perpetual calendar, and thematic representation of the known world
Category: Cartography
Author: Nicolas of Cusa (1401-1464)
Graphs of distance vs. speed, presumably of the theoretical relation
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576)
Liber de Ludo Alaea, a practical guide to gambling, containing the first systematic computation of probabilities; written in 1562, but not published until 1663.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598)
The first modern atlas, Teatrum Orbis Terrarum
Category: Cartography
Authors: René Descartes (1596-1650) & Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665)
Coordinate system reintroduced in mathematics, analytic geometry; relationship established between graphed line and equation
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) & Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Initial statements of the theory of probability
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695)
First text on probability
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Jan de Witt (1625-1672)
First attempt to determine scientifically what should be the purchase price of annuities, using mortality tables
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Abraham de Moivre (1667-1754)
The normal distribution, derived as the limit of the binomial distribution
Category: Other
Author: Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
Introduction of a notation which gives a name and address to every possible point in 3D space, $(x,y,z)$.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Phillippe Buache (1700-1733)
Contour map
Category: Cartography
Authors: Gaspard Monge Comte de Péluse (1746-1818)
Development of descriptive geometry, that leads to engineering drawing
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Charles de Fourcroy (1766-c.1810)
Use of geometric, proportional figures (squares) to compare demographic quantities by superposition, an early "tableau graphique''
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Pierre-Simon, Marquis de Laplace (1749-1827)
The central limit theorem explains why many distributions tend to be close to the normal distribution. The key ingredient is that the random variable being observed should be the sum or mean of many independent identically distributed random variables.
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)
First graph of isotherms, showing mean temperature around the world by latitude and longitude. Recognizing that temperature depends more on latitude and altitude, a subscripted graph shows the direct relation of temperature on these two variables
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Joseph Nicephore Niepce (1765-1833)
First successful photograph produced (an 8-hour exposure). [A type of asphalt (bitumen of Judea) was coated on metal plates. After exposure it was washed in solvents, the light areas were shown by the bitumen, dark areas by bare metal. Exposed to iodine, the plate darkened in the shadowed areas.]
Category: Technology
Author: Armand Joseph Frere de Montizon (1788-)
First simple dot map of population by department, 1 dot = 10,000 people
Category: Cartography
Authors: Pierre-François Verhulst (1804-1849)
Development of the logistic curve, $ y = k / (1 + C e^{rt})$, to describe the growth of human populations
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Toussaint Loua (1824-1907)
First-known use of a semi-graphic table to display a data table by shading levels
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Authors: Louis-Léger Vauthier (1815-1881)
Population contour map (population density shown by contours), the first statistical use of a contour map
Category: Cartography
Authors: Émile Cheysson (1836-1910) & Ministere de Travaux Publics (1830-1870)
Album de Statistique Graphique, an annual series over 20 years, using all known graphic forms (map-based pies and stars, mosaic, line graphs, bar charts, and, of course, numerous flow maps) to depict data relevant to planning (railways, canals, ports, tramways, etc.) [This series, under the direction of Émile Cheysson, is regarded as the epitome of the "Golden Age of Statistical Graphics'']
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Charles Lallemand (1857-1938)
Combination of many variables into multi-function nomograms, using 3D, juxtaposition of maps, parallel coordinate and hexagonal grids (L'Abaque Triomphe)
Category: Statistics & Graphics
Author: Emmanuel de Martonne (1873-1955)
Use of ethnographic maps, showing the distribution of mixed nationalities, played an important role in redrawing national boundaries of Central Europe and the Balkans following World War I
Category: Cartography
Author: Jacques Bertin (1918-2010)
Comprehensive theory of graphical symbols and modes of graphics representation
Category: Statistics & Graphics